Dentist Amsterdam North.

NoordAs Dentists & Dental Hygienists is a practice located in Amsterdam North. We consist of a close-knit and specialized team that is committed to providing the best service to patients. From our dental practice in Amsterdam North we offer a wide range of possible treatments. For example, you can contact us for preventive dentistry, conservative dentistry, crown or bridge work and implants.

NoordAs Tandartsen is a dental practice located in Amsterdam North near subway station Noord (North) and Buikslotermeerplein. We do not have a waiting list and we treat all ages. We understand that a visit can be scary for some patients, and we do our very best to make you feel completely at ease. We are happy to take enough time for you so that you can sit in the dental chair without any worries.

Close cooperation between dentist and dental hygienist

As NoordAs Tandartsen, we find it essential to have good communication between our two groups of professionals. That is why our dentists and dental hygienists work very closely together. Many patients like to visit both the dentist and the dental hygienist.

This is why we have a single treatment file that is used by both parties. This system is useful for our specialists because they have all the information at hand whenever they need it, and a single treatment file is also a lot less hassle for you as our patient.

After your appointment, our dental hygienist will consult with your dentist and vice versa, so that together we can arrive at the best follow-up treatment. This is how we think we can best help our patients: by standing strong together.

Treatments dentist Amsterdam North

The dental hygienists and dentists in our dental practice in Amsterdam North work closely together, but of course they know their own work. NoordAs Tandartsen treats both adults and children. We carry out periodic checkups during which we will examine your dental status. If necessary, we will also professionally remove tartar en deposits and take X-rays.

These includes the semi-annual check-up, but you can also visit us for other treatments. For example, we make sure to have cavities treated in time and repair or replace existing fillings for a white filling. In addition, we offer the possibility to investigate whether you are eligible for snap-in dentures.

Are you not satisfied with the look of your smile? With our esthetic treatment we can help you with an improved appearance of your teeth.

Other treatments that our dental hygienists perform include; periodontal treatments, bacteriological examination, topical application of medication and fluoride treatments. Want to know more about what we can offer you? Contact us by phone or email us at the following email address: [email protected].

Dental hygienist treatments Amsterdam North

Our dental hygienists are mainly focused on the prevention of cavities and inflammation. You can contact us for preventive dental cleaning of your teeth and dental implants. Of course, we also take your gums into account and shall regularly investigate their status. Dental plaque, tartar and other deposits will carefully and professionally be removed by us.

Other treatments at our dental hygienists include periodontal treatments, bacteriological examination, medical treatments and fluoride treatments. Want to know more about what we can offer you? Contact us by phone or email us at the following email address: [email protected].

NoordAs Tandartsen keeps up with current developments

As a dentist and dental hygienist, it is extremely important to grow in knowledge in order to guarantee quality. In addition, knowledge, technology and equipment within dentistry are updated in a timely manner, which is why our professionals never stop learning.

In order to keep up with the new protocols and developments, we at NoordAs pay a lot of attention to continuing education and training. NoordAs is affiliated with the professional association for dentists KNMT and the professional association for dental hygienists NVM and we adapt to new regulations and guidelines from these professional organizations.

We do this, for example, by attending study groups, internal training, reading professional literature and attending clinical evenings. In addition, NoordAs Tandartsen is registered in the KRT quality register and the dental hygienists are registered in the KRM quality register.

Within our dental practice in Amsterdam North we work with the latest and highest quality equipment to help you as well as possible. We are constantly working on innovation and improvement within our practice.

Emergency dental treatment in Amsterdam-North

Put in mind that in case of an emergency, you are always welcome at our dentists in Amsterdam North. We are open every day from 8.30am to 5pm (closed Sundays) and are ready to serve you. You will find us near subway station North and Buikslotermeerplein.

At NoordAs Tandartsen we ensure that there is always room in the agenda for emergencies to whom we provide the necessary help as soon as possible. Call the following number to make an urgent appointment immediately: 020 632 39 44. Would you like advice without an appointment? That is also possible, you can reach us by phone and we shall advise you based on our expertise.

Does your child have healthy teeth?

Children are of course also welcome at our dental practice in Amsterdam Noord. Something learned at an early age will be easy when one is old(er)! At NoordAs, we believe it is very important that children are introduced to the dentist at an early age. That is why we work with Gewoon Gaaf: a caries prevention method aimed at preserving primary teeth.

This method mainly focuses on preventing cavities or tooth decay. Together with you and your child, the dentist and dental hygienist will draw up an individual care plan so that you can keep track of the milk teeth yourself. As a dental practice, we also provide customized information and guidance, for example brushing lessons.